Atrraction and theme park
Amsterdam Winter Paradise
Ozone ice rink
A tour at Ice-World
A crowd-puller year-round
A lap around the town hall
Fun on the ice
The Marktplein market square in Gouda is a striking piece of Dutch heritage. The freestanding fifteenth-century town hall is surrounded by the striking Waag, the tower of the Sint Jan church and many historic façades. In short: a central place of great beauty! Gouda events agency Grand Canyon wanted to share this beauty and make sure that as many people as possible would experience this place during the winter months.
Ice skating rink
Each winter, for more than 10 years now, there has been an open ice rink of 550m² in the market square. The presence of excellent catering and lounge facilities has made this ice rink an integral part of the city centre. However, it was the Gouda skating public that kept asking for a skating rink around the midpoint of the square: the iconic Gouda Town Hall. Grand Canyon adopted this idea and developed it further in cooperation with the market vendors of the Gouda Market and Ice-World.
A unique idea that of course involved many logistical and operational challenges. Due in no small part to the knowledge and experience of Ice-World, this ice rink project has been a great success.
Activities during the event:
- Community School
- KNSB skating week
- ICE AGE! Winter games
- 100% NL Sing-along party
- 100% NL Freestyle battle
- Disco skating
- Kick-off Pink Year 2018
- Skating clinics
- Children’s parties
- About 1,000 m² of ice floor, a Gouda circuit of 200 metres
- Over 32,000 skaters of whom 5,000 children during the School Skating Week
Result for the visitors
The Gouda Town Hall skating circuit was a big hit. Over 32,000 skaters came from near and far. In total they covered about 50,000 km which is more than once around the earth!
It was also a great event for the less energetic visitors. Many people stood by the ice rink to watch the numerous skaters. The transparent walls of Grand Café Koek & Zopie offered a warm and unique view of the skating rink and the historic town hall. The cosy decor and the extensive menu with excellent service did the rest. Many lunched there or just went for a mulled wine or apple strudel. In the evening the location was used as a party venue. Around the turn of the year, many companies used the Grand Café as a presentation area or meeting point.
Many years of excellent cooperation
The ice rink is a celebration year after year, thanks to the efforts of more than 70 partners. Everyone has respect for the city and for each other, which always ensures a pleasant cooperation. An extensive promotional campaign ensures that the best possible use is made of the event.
The atmosphere on the market square in Gouda is always pleasant, but during the winter months you feel the magic. The young and the not so young have fun in one of the loveliest squares in the Netherlands!