A solution for everyone
By having your event location offer people a genuine winter experience, you capitalise on a unique opportunity to generate additional revenue and attract new customers, including audiences who might otherwise never have visited you.
Making the right choices
If you have no experience with ice rinks, making the right choices can be tricky. At Ice-World, for over three decades we have been providing clients like you with genuine advice. We help you identify your ideal period, size, layout and mix of activities, from traditional skating to curling and racing E-Icebyks®. You can also hire all the accessories you need, from cute children’s skating aids to specially-designed building blocks to customise your rink’s configuration.
A smaller skateprint
Whatever your needs, our solutions are flexible enough to meet them. Whether you go for a removable ice rink or permanent one, located indoors or outside, for a few weeks or the whole season. It’s also good to know that the Ice-World system is significantly more energy-efficient than competitors and backed up by over 30 years’ experience in climate control.
Create magical and cool moments with Ice-World
The support and maintenance during the event’s four-months were absolutely satisfactory.
Projects & news
A tour at Ice-World
Make Christmas Shopping a true Christmas Experience
A crowd-puller year-round
Contact us for more information