Winter Wonderland
The winter holidays are an important shopping period. An ice rink can figure as an ultimate crowd-puller that entertains entire families and turns shopping into a day out. By using clever concepts for a complete ice experience for skate lovers, it can really make the difference for communities, entrepeneurs and marketing professionals.
Christmas Market
A successful Christmas market can pull people into your town centre. But there’s no better way to keep them there than an ice rink, that magical focal point that brings your Christmas market to life.
Amusement & Theme Park
A great amusument or theme park gives visitors an unforgettable experience, time after time. And what better way to revitalise that experience, and give a day out a whole extra dimension, than by creating a winter experience in your venue, with winter-themed activities and décor, and at its heart a wonderful ice rink?
City Centre
Whether you want to generate traffic and turnover for restaurants and shops or encourage mobility or enhance social cohesion within your community, a temporary ice rink is the ice-ing on the cake of any town centre.
Shopping Mall
Nowadays, shopping malls and arcades need to offer more than just good shopping. People want a great day out. With an ice rink in your mall, you transform a shopping trip into a fun day out for everyone — whatever their age or feelings about shopping!
Shows & Specials
What if your project is not quite like anything that’s gone before? No problem. Ice-World has a track record of working on unique, often large-scale projects. From concerts to installing an ice rink on a cruise ship.
A visit to a museum is always a special day out. But by placing an ice rink in the grounds you give your visitors an extra treat. An ice-rink in the winter months helps create a great seasonal atmosphere.
Event locations
By having your event location offer people a genuine winter experience, you capitalise on a unique opportunity to generate additional revenue and attract new customers.