Ice rinks are a unique crowd-puller during Winter, which is a off-season period in most Amusement and Theme Parks. Ice attracts families for a fun day out. More visitors come during low season to enjoy skating one the ice; it is a family driven attraction for all ages! An ice rink increases dwell time and acts as anchor for other rides and offers. The make the ice rink an even more attractive, Ice-World developed a spectacular ice attraction; the IceByk®. The IceByk® guarantees spectacular bike actions on the ice: for all ages, and for skaters and non-skaters alike. And to make it even more attractive for adults, Ice-World developed an electric version, the EIceByk ®, which reaches a maximum speed of up to 30 km/h (19mph). The IceByk® and EIceByk® can be used op ice rinks in theme parks, amusement parks, shopping malls and facility entertainment centers. The IAAPA Brass Ring Awards: Best New Product Exhibit or Awards competition recognizes the best new product or service in the amusement parks and attractions industry by a company that is exhibiting at IAAPA Expo.
Family-driven attraction with a maximum speed up to 30 km/h (19mph)
Thanks to its adjustable seat, the IceByk® is an attraction for both children and adults. The ice bike is therefore ideal for schools, companies and groups that are looking for an accessible group activity. The E-IceByk® makes it also attractive for adults, the bike can reach a maximum speed of up to 30 km/h (19mph). The IceByk® ensures spectacular competitions on the ice. The design of the IceByk® offers various sponsorship opportunities. Ice-World has developed several games for the IceByk®, including the popular game “collect the pawns”. In this game, each team has its own colour pawns. The aim of the game is to return all pawns to the game master as quickly as possible, whereby each player may only have one pawn in his hands at any time. The game master moves around the field of play. When a player comes across a pawn from the other team, he may move it away (or further away), provided the pawn remains within the field of play. The team that is the first to hand in all its pawns to the game master is the winner.
- Family-driven attraction – for children and adults
- For skaters and non-skaters
- An attractive business outing for business, schools and other interesting target groups
- Divide the rink into different sections and create all kind of games
- Possible to organize spectacular IceByk® competitions/shows
- Additional income source for the ice rink
Highest quality standard make it a safe and suitable attraction for childern
The IceByk® and E-IceByk® are designed according the highest quality standards. The bikes are made from steel, and have the perfect angle for drifting and sliding. The E-IceByk® has the same specifications, except that it also has electric features. The E-IceByk® has a speed limiter at 15 km/h (19mph) making it also a safe and suitable attraction for children. Ice-World is ISO 9001 certified and therefore meets customer and regulatory requirements and demonstrates continuous improvement. The products developed by Ice-World stand out in terms of quality and sustainability. The dimensions of the IceByk® are: L: 1330 mm/H: 800 mm/W 710 mm.
Cycling is an active and healthy way of exercising
Cycling in the Netherlands is the most popular form of daily transport. It is in an active and healthy way of exercising. Cycling on the ice is normally not the best idea, but with the IceByk® it is possible to experience a safe ride on the ice. It is the world’s first bike that is specifically made to ride on the ice. It offers a family-driven and inclusive attraction, for children and adults, for skaters and non-skaters. Thanks to its adjustable seat, the IceByk® is an attraction for both children and adults.